We know these are difficult and unprecedented times and that many of us are finding ourselves adjusting to more time at home. We hope this list of our favourite resources for at-home learning can be of help to you and your children of all ages during periods of self-isolation and social distancing.
mathfrog.ca online games
This website, developed in association with the University of Waterloo, offers online curriculum-matched games for students in grades 4-6.
nrich maths
A favourite resource of our resident math teacher, this website offers thought-provoking math problems, as well as a variety of games (online and paper/pencil) that will keep kids' minds busy.
fractions war card game
Using an ordinary deck of cards, divide all cards evenly among players. Each player then flips over their top two cards using the first one as the numerator and the second as the denominator. The player who's fraction is greatest wins all the cards from that round. Continue until players have no more cards. The player with the most cards at the end wins! (Note Jack = 11, Queen = 12, King = 13 and Ace = 1)
163 (or 25)
Another simple game to play with a basic deck of cards. For a simpler version, draw 4 cards and place them face up. Players then have to use each card only once, as well as the 4 basic operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide) to get to 25. For a challenge, draw 6 cards and try to total 163. This game is both a fun challenge, and a way to boost your mental math skills! (Note face cards have same value as above)
problem of the week
A popular resource for teachers everywhere, University of Waterloo's problem of the week is a great way to encourage creative problem solving in all students, grades 3 and up.
math salamanders grab pack
A great source for math activities, practice sheets, and visual aids, this site also has a mixed bag of activities by grade level to help kids keep up with their skills during this break.
integer operations battle
Set up the game similar to Fractions War, using regular playing cards. Red cards are negative numbers, while black are positive. Decide which operation to use (division might be tricky but addition, multiplication and subtraction can all work well). Players then flip over two cards and perform the operation with their cards. The person with the highest product, sum, or difference gets all the cards in the round. (Note Jack = 11, Queen = 12, King = 13 and Ace = 1)
Cartesian plane battleship
Simply print out a couple of blank coordinate planes (something like this or this, depending on grade level) or draw your own on blank paper. Using different colours, players mark their own ships, then take turns guessing the coordinates of their opponents ships, as per the regular rules of Battleship. Here's a ready-made version with rules to get you started.
Multiplication Bingo
Make or print a set of bingo cards that have multiples of the times tables you want to practice in each square. Using a random number generator (or pieces of scrap paper in a hat!) draw 2 numbers at a time. Multiply the two numbers to find out what to cross off on your card. Make sure to set your number generator with only the range of times tables you'd like to practice (the first few cards in the link above work well for a range of 1 to 12)
live with zoo keepers
Keep up with the animals at the Toronto Zoo via live videos with various animals and their keepers on the zoo's Facebook page.
Learn about new topics in science through Quizlet, which has interactive flash cards, matching games, and various other ways to get kids learning vocabulary and simple concepts on a variety of topics.
microbe passports
With viruses on everyone's mind, learn about other types of microbes through this online "microscope".
bones puzzle
If you've got printer access, a quick google search will reveal lots of skeleton printables to cut out and make an anatomical puzzle out of! Here's a printable we've used in the past, and here's a quick online version.
bone and calcium demonstration
Next time chicken is on the menu, save a bone or two for this cool demonstration that shows what happens when bones lose their calcium. All you need is a jar, a clean chicken bone or two, some vinegar, and some time.
online books for early readers
Flyleaf Publishing has made their online portal available for free. Parents and children can access a number of virtual books created specifically for emergent readers from pre-K to grade 3. Each book also includes a "homework" option for kids to practice skills in writing and reading comprehension.
Storyline Online
This website features videos of actors reading children's books aloud, complete with creative illustrations. For parents who'd like to add some comprehension and structure to the day, each story comes accompanied with a teachers guide aimed to strengthen comprehension and literacy skills.
kid-friendly news articles
teachingkidsnews.com is filled with kid-friendly news articles on a variety of topics, from arts and science to sports to politics. The end of each article includes comprehension or thoughtful questions, or suggested activities to further knowledge on the topic. The site also features tips for talking to kids about difficult news, as well as a collection of resources to help kids distinguish between real and fake news.
To encourage some physical activity and mindfulness, we like the YogaEd YouTube channel, which has videos for kids, teens, and adults with all levels of experience.
at-home hiit and PE class
Whether you just need a quick 15 minute workout, or a way to adapt with gyms being closed, The Body Coach provides a variety of bodyweight exercises suitable for all ages and fitness levels. With school closures, the channel is also offering engaging virtual PE classes.
chopped challenge!
Challenge your kids' creativity and kitchen chops! Set out a few "must use" ingredients, then challenge your kids to create a tasty meal or snack with those ingredients, plus whatever you may have on hand. Bonus points if you can incorporate a clean-up challenge when you're all done!